The prospect of being transformed into the likeness of Christ has to motivate us to live righteously in the midst of a wicked world!!

Repentance Testimonies

The prospect of being transformed into the likeness of Christ has to motivate us to live righteously in the midst of a wicked world.

WOW!  What a gift !

It’s time to purify ourselves through repentance.   A thousand or more of us intercessors are now repenting and interceding during this contested USA election. To encourage you on the value of repentance here are some testimonies based on some of our NDR writings:

My little group of 7 have been going through Ps Daly’s book, River and Streams In The Desert 40/40’s Devotional and we are now to Day 34.

Only missed one day, so far!  As soon as we finish this book, we will move to Ps Daly’s newest book, Counting the Omer.

We repent for our personal sins and then confess our national sins and repent of them.  The power that comes from each reading/praying/repenting and the changes being wrought in each of us, well, we aren’t the same as we were 33 days ago!


Here are some of the testimonies from these times of Repentance..!!!


Ron:  Repentance turns me away from sinning and turns me toward victory and right into the arms of Jesus!  HE is so pleased when HIS children repent.


Stefanie:  Repentance brings freedom from ugly feelings of sin and now I wake up refreshed.   I have found it clears the way to hearing from Holy Spirit.  Repentance brings peace to your mind and joy to your heart.  A peace not from the world, but a peace that goes beyond your understanding.  

Turning from your sin is like the highway to all the gifts and fruits of the Spirit bringing you into an intimate relationship with GOD.  Repentance is most definitely the key to unlocking all the gifts of the spirit…love, joy, faithfulness, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, meekness, and yes, even self-control!

Repentance brings me a good washing from all of my ugly sin!


Sophie:  Doing these daily repentance devotionals has created a certain freedom and joy in my day because it draws attention to the little things I try to ignore!  It creates an inner dialogue and by repenting regularly I realize I am free of these sins and I am laughing again, life is good and my cup of joy is overflowing!  After our daily repenting together I feel free and full of the Joy of the LORD!


Angie:  Repenting daily is like plugging into the power source of GOD.  It makes you humble and your spirit is lighter.  I recommend it to everyone…

Accept this gift of repentance…you will never be the same!


Dorothy:   HE will take you all the way back to when you were a young child and even a baby!  Back to when she was only 8 months old!  She has asked the LORD to show her the first time she sinned and boy, did HE!

She had been playing with her brother’s metal toy truck and her father took it away from her to protect her from any sharp metal edges and put it across the room from where she’d been sitting on the floor.  As soon as her father did that with the truck, Dorothy got off the floor and RAN to get the truck and the LORD showed her how rebellious to her parent she was that day!  The funny thing was that this story became a family favorite as Dorothy grew up…”Dorothy could run before she could walk!”   Yes, Dorothy had never even walked before that day!   She had most likely pulled herself up on a chair, etc., but she had never once walked!!   See the strong pull or power of sin here!!


Debbie:  Repentance will definitely change your life as it has mine and repenting on a daily basis changes your world and all those around you, too!

Pastor Daly tells us that when just one person in the Body of Christ repents it cleanses the whole Bride…I think he’s right!  It has also changed my home life, family life, marriage life and most of all, my spiritual life.  Repentance touches every part of your life.  When you spend time in “repentance quiet time” with the Holy Spirit beware! Repentance is the best counselor for your marriages, your children and of course, yourself!  It is a free gift and the HOLY SPIRIT knows exactly what it is “you” need counseling for…and you never have to leave home!

Repentance is the perfect gift, I highly recommend it to everyone!  Plus, it changes Kings and all those in authority as it changes your nations!!  LOOK OUT!!


Halleluyah !!!

May this Bless you too – and we pray may you also experience this FREE GIFT OF REPENTANCE – that Jesus Paid a huge price for – for us to be set free..!!!

Make use of this Gift – it is yours, and help others to come free as well, by sharing this message far and wide – wherever you go !!!

AMEN !!!



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