2nd National Day of Repentance
Testimony received from our sister during the conference on 10th of October 2020:
Not to deceive yourself about just hearing the Word of God, but to actually go out and DO what the Word says. As this has changed her life when she realized this, and Repentance being one of those things that you must DO, and not just hear...
Hallelujah !!!
If you have a Testimony from any of the Past Repentance events in Zambia, Please share your Testimony with us..!!!
Testimonies are Powerful to stir up people's FAITH and TRUST in God...!!!
As your Testimony can encourage others to take part in Repentance themselves and could even encourage some to arrange their own Repentance events for their church, city, country or nation, and in so doing bring change to their country...
So don't be shy to share your testimony - no matter how small or irrelevant it may seem to you...
Your testimony also seals your victory over the enemy, and strengthens your Faith in God's Goodness and Faithfulness ...!!
So please share it with us - and we will post it here for you, for others to read !!!